Criteria for A Better Marriage

  • You must have an open mind, heart, and spirit to receive what is for You!
  • There has to be one or more areas of your life that you want to improve.
  • You must be willing to allow an experienced coach (such as me) into the process.
  • You need to be agreeable to make changes. Meaning, do or think about things differently than in the past.

 BEVERLY *** Heartz In Motion

Passionate about the sanctity of marriages.

Wedding Officiant

Prepare to witness the wedding you’ve always dreamed of! As an expert in officiating Christian weddings, my goal is to make your special day surpass even your most imaginative expectations. I’m committed to turning your dream wedding into a beautiful reality. I apply attention to detail, ensuring nothing is overlooked. Furthermore, I have a vast understanding of Christian wedding traditions, adding authenticity to the ceremony. I assure you that no stone will be left unturned in the process of making your exceptional day truly memorable. The possibility of your dream wedding is no longer a distant thought. It’s happening!

The phrase “Two as one forever” extends beyond being just a catchy phrase. It’s a concept deeply rooted in the establishment of a family unit. This idea of unity, of two becoming one, is not just about two individuals but about the creation of something bigger – a family. In a family, individual identities merge, yet each member retains their uniqueness. This balance of unity and individuality forms the backbone of a thriving family, symbolizing harmony and mutual respect. Therefore, the design of oneness isn’t just a concept; it’s the fabric that weaves a family together, creating a bond that lasts forever.

Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. Matt 19:6

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Certified Marriage Coach

Years ago, my husband and I were continuously pursuing the highest peak of our careers and neglected our marriage, which resulted in a divorce. I was so exhausted with my married life that divorce seemed like the only option left for me. But, with the grace of God, I was blessed to give my marriage another chance. And now I live a more happier life. This brings to my mind that when I worked on my failed marriage and was able to overcome flaws of myself, we were able to love each other, again. Thus, I am here to help you. I provide relationship coaching to couples who believe that if they work within themselves, they can also live a happy life.  I see uncountable couples who seem happy from the outside but they are looking for a place to bury their feelings and continue to pretend to live a happy and sociable life.

We go through many hurdles – emotionally, mentally, physically, financially and even spiritually. This is the point where I failed to draw out a strategy to secure my marriage.

Since then, my husband and I continue to refine the efforts we make in this relationship and pursue excellence in all areas of our lives. This gives me the urge to create a platform to share the key elements with which we saved our marriage. I am a certified marriage coach professional here to offer life-changing coaching to maintain, build and restore the foundation on which we build our relationships. Working with me will give you guidance and inspiration from the Word of God. It will be action-oriented dealing with the present and future.  Your faith will determine your outcome. Take advantage of the free consultation and let’s get your marriage headed to “forever.”

Schedule a Free Consultation

Two As One Forever

Two as One Forever: A Better You, a Better Marriage was birthed from Beverly’s trials and tribulations in her marriage. Twice married to the same husband after a lengthy divorce, she had to find the way to avoid a second divorce. With a reminder from God, “That’s your husband,” she set her thoughts and ways on letting go of her own way of doing and embraced every aspect that God can fix anything. Beverly stepped out on faith with a belief that if she put God first in her marriage, He would take her to a place of joy and contentment. Even that place where storms roar and peace remain.

Beverly wants to give guidance and encouragement to couples experiencing difficult times in marriage. This self-help tool will share what marriage is to be by the design of God. It is giving clear and precise guidance on how to overcome the many obstacles that marriages face on a daily basis.
