A great conversation is with thought and intention while the dialogue is happening. The need to slow down to express clear thoughts with selective terms while lending an active ear to hear a deliberate response.

Active listening is a basic skill that tends to get lost in having a great conversation.  Reasons not to listen with the ear, body language, and mind, tend to miss what is being conveyed. Tension and friction are the culprits showing up due to the inability to respond correctly, ultimately hindering effective communication.


Some blocks to actively listening would be mind-reading – you know what is being said before the complete thought has been given or rehearsing in your mind what your response will be.  Daydreaming is another block that indicates mental and emotional absence, and advising – jumping in expressing thoughts, opinions, and judgment.


Being an active listener is like giving a compliment to the speaker and lends focus to a great conversation.  It’s about staying focused and showing the speaker you’re genuinely interested in what is being said.  This shows respect and also allows you to respond empathetically when necessary.


Having thoughtful and meaningful conversations is a powerful tool to strengthen relationships. It contributes to mutual respect and deepens the bond between couples, making the relationship stronger and more enjoyable.


Tip: A walk in the park can change the tone and mood for a great conversation.


Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath. James 1:19 KJV

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