Connection objectives. Setting goals is a joint project involving work, planning a trip, or even what’s needed to ensure that children’s lives work smoothly.  How about goals for your relationship? It’s more important than everything else.  When the relationship is in balance, everything else works just slightly better.

Tips for moving forward:

  1. Always set long-term and short terms goals

This means that you must set some big relationship goals and some daily, quick ones to keep a balance. Ensure you don’t lose sight of one set of plans for another.

  1. Decide an action plan

Now that you have decided on the goals for your relationship discuss action plans to help you achieve them.

  1. Discuss goals at a set duration

First, you must always start setting goals at a fixed time of the year. Set a time to discuss the achievability of these goals from time to time.

  1. Avoid getting competitive

Since there is a target, it might come to a point where one spouse feels they are giving their all to the relationship while the other spouse isn’t. Don’t allow such thoughts to creep in.

  1. Have fun during the journey

Don’t get too serious. The whole idea is to make the relationship healthy. So, please don’t take it as an annual workplace PowerPoint presentation. In the end, you are doing it for your relationship.

Setting goals may be the task of checking with one another to determine a good day and time to conquer this project.  Be SMART about your wants and needs.

“Two are better than one because they have a more satisfying return for their labor” Ecclesiastes 4:9

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